ACCBF a program of A Warriors Mission Inc a trusted 501(c)(3) charity


We hope you're doing well. We want to let you know  how your donations are helping families through difficult times.

Our 2022 Impact Report is now available here


Emily S, a resilient 16-year-old, found herself facing a daunting battle against Hodgkin's Lymphoma, a diagnosis that shook her world. Amidst the turmoil of her illness, she endured the heartbreaking loss of her father, leaving her and her struggling mother to confront their darkest days alone. However, amidst the shadows, a ray of hope emerged when Emilys mom reached out to the American Childrens Cancer Benevolence Fund (ACCBF) for assistance.

Hodgkin's Lymphoma, a form of cancer originating in the lymphatic system, can be particularly challenging, especially for someone as young as Emily. The diagnosis itself is enough to overwhelm anyone, but Emily's situation was further complicated by neutropenic typhlitis, a condition where the immune system is weakened, leaving her vulnerable to infections and complications.



In the quiet town, the laughter of children once filled the air as they played in the neighborhood park. But for one family, the serenity was shattered when their little girl, Cali, was diagnosed with osteosarcoma at the tender age of four. Osteosarcoma, a rare form of bone cancer, struck Cali in her femur, presenting her with challenges no child should ever have to face.

The diagnosis was a devastating blow to Cali's family. Their world turned upside down as they grappled with the harsh reality of cancer and its relentless assault on their precious daughter. However, amidst the darkness, they found a glimmer of hope – the unwavering strength of their community.



At the tender age of fourteen, Caitlyn's life took an unexpected turn when she was diagnosed with desmoplastic round cell tumors, a rare and aggressive form of cancer. Just before celebrating her fifteenth birthday, Caitlyn found herself thrust into a world of hospital visits, surgeries, chemotherapy sessions, and radiation treatments. But amidst the whirlwind of medical procedures, one of the toughest challenges for Caitlyn's family was the financial strain brought about by her illness.

Caitlyn's mother, once able to work and provide for her family, had to make the difficult decision to leave her job to become Caitlyn's full-time caregiver. With the mounting medical bills, travel expenses for treatments, and the need to provide round-the-clock care for Caitlyn, the family's financial situation quickly became precarious.



In the midst of life's unpredictability, the diagnosis of a serious illness can shake a family to its core. Such is the story of Antoinie and her parents, who were confronted with the harsh reality of cancer on February 5th, 2024. Antoinie, a spirited young girl, was diagnosed with B-cell Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL), initiating a journey fraught with emotional turmoil and financial strain.

B-cell ALL is a type of cancer that affects the white blood cells, causing them to multiply rapidly and crowd out healthy cells. It's a daunting diagnosis for anyone, let alone a child, and it demands swift and aggressive treatment.



In the serene landscape of pediatric oncology, where innocence intertwines with adversity, Christian’s story stands as a testament to resilience and familial strength. At the tender age of five, Christian was diagnosed with stage 3 high-risk Burkitt's lymphoma, propelling his family into an unforeseen odyssey of medical challenges and emotional fortitude.



In a world where childhood should be filled with laughter, play, and innocence, Evan’s journey has been one of immense strength and resilience. At the tender age of nine, he faced a formidable opponent: optic glioma, a type of brain tumor affecting the optic nerve. But Evan's battle didn't stop there; he faced a relapse that shook his family to the core.

Living with his loving parents and three siblings, Evan's life took a sudden turn when the diagnosis was made. Optic glioma can severely impair vision and lead to various complications, posing significant challenges for a young child like Evan. However, with unwavering support from his family and the kindness of strangers, Evan's story has become a beacon of hope amidst adversity.



Seven-year-old Victoria's journey began with a diagnosis that no child or parent ever wants to hear: leukemia. Amidst the whirlwind of emotions, uncertainty, and fear, her family faced the daunting reality of navigating through three years of chemotherapy treatments. However, amidst the darkness, a ray of hope emerged in the form of the American Childrens Cancer Benevolence Fund (ACCBF).

Leukemia, a cancer of the blood or bone marrow, is particularly challenging for young patients like Victoria. The treatment process is not only physically demanding but emotionally taxing as well. For Victoria, the presence and support of her parents throughout her treatment journey are crucial factors in her recovery.



In the face of childhood cancer, families often find themselves navigating a daunting landscape of emotional, physical, and financial challenges. For four-year-old Laila and her family, the journey through Laila's treatment for pre-B cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) has been particularly arduous. As Laila courageously battles her illness, her mother has faced the heartbreaking reality of having to put her career on hold to provide the care and support her daughter needs and the other children. Her father is still working to try to support them alone.



Isola and her family were hit with news that turned their world upside down. Isola, a vibrant and loving 5 year old, was diagnosed with Juvenile Myelomonocytic Leukemia (JMML), a rare and aggressive form of childhood leukemia. This diagnosis not only shook the family to its core but also ignited a fierce battle for survival and hope.

For Isola and her family, life had been a whirlwind of joyous chaos before JMML entered their lives. With four young children filling their home with laughter and mischief, every day was an adventure. But when Isola received her diagnosis, the world seemed to stand still. Thoughts of uncertainty and fear crept into their once blissful existence, threatening to overshadow the love and happiness they once knew.



Davonte was the epitome of joy, his infectious smile touching the hearts of all who knew him. But fate had a different plan for this young soul.

Davonte's world turned upside down when he was diagnosed with acute myeloid leukemia. His single mother felt as though the ground had been ripped from beneath her feet. Fear and uncertainty loomed over their lives like a dark cloud, threatening to suffocate their hope.



A family faced a challenge that would test their strength and resilience in ways they never imagined. Kenan, a bright-eyed 10-year-old boy with a contagious smile, was diagnosed with Embryonal Rhabdomyosarcoma of the nasopharynx—a rare and aggressive form of cancer that threatened to shatter their world.



In the heart of every family lies an unbreakable bond, a bond tested to its limits when faced with adversity. Levi's family knows this all too well, as they embarked on an emotional rollercoaster when their precious son was diagnosed with Atypical Teratoid Rhabdoid Tumor (ATRT), a rare and aggressive brain tumor, at just 9 months old. Their journey of resilience, hope, and community support serves as a beacon of light amidst the darkness of uncertainty.



Lelani is at the age where high school has begun, and college and adulthood is right around the corner! She has a whole life ahead of her and has had the life that every child and teenager should. Devastatingly, B-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia had more malicious plans...



Shane is a 16 year-old young man who lives with his mother Krystle, his soon to be step-father Jason, and his sister in Massachusetts. This beautiful family is hard-working, resilient, and has always gotten through the challenges life throws at them. Unfortunately, no family is ever prepared for the word “cancer.” Shane’s treatment has been a long process, that has sadly also been filled with many complications and unforeseen side-effects; as if cancer is not enough already. Perhaps the most devastating has been Shane’s loss of nearly all his sight...



In May of last year, Dallas got news that no child should ever have to hear: “you have cancer.” And it is not just any cancer; young Dallas has B-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia, which is a particularly wicked form of cancer that targets children aged 6 on average and...



Amidst all this, and this catastrophic news, Edison has never stopped fighting. The first time this cancer struck Edison’s life, he was only 3. He has been battling it for the greater half of his life, and he won’t stop now...



Wyatt is lively young 3 year-old boy who is perhaps too young to quite understand why he now has to spend time in a hospital. His family speaks to doctors a lot and he interacts with many physicians and doctors himself. He has certainly...



By any standard, Pete’s family is on track to be just fine. Pete is starting high school soon, his brother is doing well in college, and both of his parents have good careers. Cancer always has different plans...



Imagine being a 16 year-old girl, in high school, preparing for college, making friends and memories, and nothing but a life of success ahead of you when you hear this news from a doctor—“You have cancer.”



My name is Lourdes and I am a single mother of a beautiful daughter—Makeila. Makeila is my world, and I would, and will always do everything I can for her; her safety, care, and health are my number one priority and I will always fight for her. We live in Massachusetts.



September is Children’s Cancer Awareness Month, and we want to give a huge thanks to our selfless, loving, caring, and compassionate worker teams, who sacrifice time out of their lives to make sure that the ACCBF can...



“Our daughter Annelise was a completely normal, happy, fun loving kid when she noticed some hand cramping. We underwent an MRI that revealed a tumor on her thalamus. She underwent a biopsy that left her in a coma for 4 months...



Cancer does not discriminate in when it chooses to strike the life of the innocent. No one deserves this merciless disease, let alone Nicholas; in July of this year (2023), cancer brutally interrupted Nicholas's wonderful life. The specific cancer that has struck young Nicholas’s life is...



Neuroblastoma is a particularly wicked cancer that mainly targets children age five and younger; it is a terrible disease that develops from immature nerve cells in a few different parts of the body. Jameson is strong, however, and he is stronger than this predatory cancer that seeks to destroy his life; he is not letting that happen. It is now 2023, and Jameson is now eleven years old; he has been receiving treatment for six years...


In 2021, Carla got news that not many children her age may be able to process all at once: “You have leukemia.” At this time, Carla was 5, probably not even able to spell that word, and understanding what cancer is? No child should even have to learn what that means. No one is prepared for cancer, let alone a young girl who has...


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Alishbah had been enduring immense pain since September 2022, and despite various treatments, her condition showed no signs of improvement. The medical team, determined to find a solution, decided that an MRI was necessary to uncover the underlying cause of her suffering. On a cold winter day, January 5th, 2023, Alishbah and her family arrived at Children's Health in Dallas, where she received the devastating diagnosis of cancer in her pelvis.  


Impact Kolten B

This handsome 3 year old is Kolten.  On September 5, 2022 his family heard the words Ewing Sarcoma

He has a very large tumor that starts in his abdomen and extends down into his Gluteus Maximus.

The bills for this family have been adding up so quickly, mom states: "we would be forever grateful for any help we are able to receive"

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Navigating the challenging journey of B-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Sienna's diagnosis at such a tender age, 2 years old, is a heartbreaking ordeal for her loving parents. They find solace in the care and treatment provided by the dedicated team at Children's Hospital, who are doing everything possible to support Sienna's fight against this merciless disease.

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Bradley was diagnosed with a posterior fossa mass (a brain tumor) in August of 2021 and has been undergoing extensive chemotherapy treatments.

Bradley lives with his parents, and his 5-year-old brother & 3 year old sister. Dad is an Assistant Director of engineering at a popular resort and Mom is a stay-at-home mom. Since Bradley’s diagnosis, Dad has been in and out of work and although Dad has returned to work, Bradley's care has caused him to miss many, many days from work.

This family has been struggling to pay their household bills and it has been difficult to keep up with their essential household expenses, a grant from ACCBF has helped this family to stay afloat.

Baby Roy

November 1, 2022, the day baby Roy's family heard the term "Bilateral Wilms Tumors" from their doctor. The diagnosis came just two and a half months after his first birthday.  Wilms tumor (or nephroblastoma) is a type of childhood cancer that starts in the kidneys.

Dad is working as much as he can, Mom has exhausted her paid time off, and her job requested her resignation because she took too much time off.

Roy will have surgery soon, which means dad will have to take some time off of work to be there...The family wants to focus on their baby and his recovery, but the bills keep coming, adding stress to an already stressful situation.

Cancer is a disease that can take 12-36 months of treatment (or more)

Chemotherapy for weeks, radiation treatments for weeks, surgery, and possibly more chemo/radiation.  While there are small breaks in-between, something like a fever can lead to the need for  a blood transfusion, delaying treatments.

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Camila was 5 years old when her mom heard the diagnosis of "Pre B-ALL" aggressive form of leukemia.

It was December 2021 when this single mother received the news that would further change her family's lives.  Things were difficult enough as a single mom, but then, a cancer aggressive form of cancer. Being the sole provider and primary caregiver at bedside, it has become very difficult for the family to cover household expenses since mom is not working. Bills that were manageable before, became overwhelming. Housing payments, electricity and phone bills have taken a backseat to pay for medical bills and prescriptions...the things her daughter NEEDS to survive.

Your support makes all the difference for families like this one. Whether it's helping cover medical costs or providing meals for a family who can't afford food while they're busy taking care of their loved one—your donations make sure these families get through this difficult time as best as possible.


Elianah was just 4 months old when her parents heard the term "Retinoblastoma"...eye cancer.

Dad, a disabled veteran, mom, just getting back to work from maternity leave. They knew they wanted the best possible treatment for their baby girl, so, they packed everything up to move over 450 miles away.  The family was going to have to face 10 months of chemotherapy.

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Eli-Belly Stmt1



May 2, 2022 Esther's family heard the term Diffuse intrinsic pontine glioma "DIPG", a rare, fast growing brain tumor.

For nine months the family persevered through experimental treatments, and radiation, all while Esther would say "I try my best".

It was with a heavy heart that the family came to us for financial assistance, assistance that would allow them to lay their 6 year old angel to rest.  

OCTOBER 24, 2016 – FEBRUARY 12, 2023

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Esther D

In the midst of the darkness, you helped us create a bright spot of releif for oncology families.

Your generosity, Your compassion, Your willingness to help others has made all of this and more possible.

From all of us here at ACCBF, and ALL of the families we serve:

THANK YOU for donating!

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American Childrens Cancer Benevolence Fund

administered by A Warriors Mission Inc, a trusted 501(c)(3) charitable organization

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 © All rights reserved. A Warriors Mission Inc.  Our mission is to  help meet the needs of humankind without discrimination. Our  programs and services are funded entirely by private donations, foundation grants, and corporate contributions. A Warriors Mission, Inc. is a trusted 501 (c)(3) tax exempt organization.  Tax Id # 84-3175352.  

Gifts to the organization are tax deductible to the extent provided by law.  You can be assured that we will take all reasonable measures to honor requests by the donor, but please know we retain all control and authority over all contributed funds and have the authority to redistribute those donated funds in connection with our charitable and religious purposes. This church is a qualified section 501(c)(3) organization. All tithes, offerings, or donations of any kind are tax-deductible under section 170(c)(2). Making a donation constitutes your agreement to relinquish control in accordance with IRS regulation. This authority allows us to maintain our 501(c)(3) status. IRS rules require that the fair market value of any gift received in connection with a donation must be subtracted from the amount claimed for deduction.  If you believe that an error has occurred in connection with your donation, contact us

We do not warrant that the information found here is complete, reliable, useful, or otherwise accurate. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this Website. Do not rely  on the information presented for medical advice or other ACCBF programs.