ACCBF a program of A Warriors Mission Inc a trusted 501(c)(3) charity


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Navigating the challenging journey of HCC, Pete's diagnosis came in 2022, turning his life upside-down. Pete and his parents--Jeff and Johanna--as well as his older brother find care and support from the staff at Children's Cancer and Blood Disorders Center, who are doing everything possible to support Pete's fight against this merciless disease.

Pete is a teenager who lives in Maine with his parents Jeff and Johanna, as well as his older brother who is in college. By any standard, Pete’s family is on track to be just fine. Pete is starting high school soon, his brother is doing well in college, and both of his parents have good careers.

Cancer always has different plans and does not ask for permission before it turns worlds upside-down. Not only was Pete diagnosed in 2022 with cancer, he was diagnosed with multifocal, metastatic, hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC)—a rare form of liver cancer that if left untreated, is typically fatal. Pete is a teenager with his whole life ahead of him, and this has all come to a terrible halt.

Boston is the closest city with a hospital in which he can get the adequate care he needs to send this vicious disease back into remission. Boston is a 4 hour trip to/from for Pete and his family. This is a hard trip for him to make because of the cancer, and his mother has had to stop working in order to be with him and make these trips with him on a regular weekly basis; insurance can only cover so much. As a result, Pete’s family has only had one income flow, which cancer also has no mercy on.

Funds have gotten tight for sure, but this is where the ACCBF steps in. This family reached out, requesting a mortgage payment, something that in regular times they could afford, but now has gotten difficult. The ACCBF was able to meet this need and ensure that Pete’s family can remain in their home and continue to live and fight.

One moment your life is fine, and the next, everything can be taken away. Pete’s life is special and he has nothing but good to come, and he has not let this cancer get the best of him and he can continue to fight because of all of us—himself, his family, the doctors, the ACCBF, and many others—coming together to keep up the fight. You support is vital in Pete’s fight, and is more than just the mortgage payment; it is love, care, and support in the hardest time of his life.

Gracious and compassionate Savior, Jesus Christ,

In the midst of life's trials and challenges, we come before you with heavy hearts, lifting up our dear friend Pete, a brave teenager fighting a battle against cancer. We humbly gather in your presence, seeking your divine comfort, strength, and healing touch.

Lord Jesus, you are the ultimate source of hope and healing. You walked among us, showing us the boundless love and mercy of God. We ask that you wrap Pete in your loving embrace, filling his heart with courage, peace, and resilience as he faces the daunting journey ahead.

We pray for the medical professionals who are caring for Pete. Grant them wisdom and discernment, guiding their hands and minds as they work towards his recovery. May your light shine through them, and may they be instruments of your healing grace.

As Pete endures the physical and emotional challenges of his illness, grant him moments of joy amidst the pain. Help him find strength in the support of his family, friends, and community, who are standing by his side with unwavering love.

Lord, we also ask for strength for Pete's family. As they witness their beloved child's struggles, may your peace that surpasses all understanding guard their hearts and minds. Surround them with your love and grant them the resilience to face each day with hope.

In this time of uncertainty, we lift our voices together in faith, believing that your plans for Pete are plans for good and not for harm, plans to give him a future and a hope. We trust in your divine timing and pray for miraculous healing if it aligns with your will.

May Pete's journey become a testament to your glory, a story of courage, faith, and unwavering trust. Through it all, may he experience your presence as a constant companion, guiding him through the darkest valleys and leading him towards a brighter horizon.

In your holy and compassionate name, we offer this prayer, believing that you hear us and that you are working even now in ways that we cannot see. We entrust Pete into your loving care, knowing that you are the ultimate healer and comforter.


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American Childrens Cancer Benevolence Fund

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